Pen Forums
Pen Discussion Forums
- alt.collecting.pens-pencils: On-line version of UseNet board
- Estilofilia: Pen discussion forum in portuguese, Luciano B. Rodrigues
- The Fountain Pen Board: David Isaacson, USA
- Fountain Pen Classifieds: Sale / trade board, USA
- The Fountain Pen Network: The largest pen discussion site on the internet
- The Fountain Pen Network - Philippines: A writing instruments, pen repair, ink, and stationery interest group
- FPGeeks Forum: Forum for FPGeeks.com
- The International Association of Penturners: Forum for The International Association of Penturners
- Pennamania.it: Italian pen forum, in Italian
- PenTrace: Also extensive pen-related articles
- PenTrace: Also extensive pen-related articles - alternate URL
- www.stylo-plume.org: Pen discussion forum - in French
Yahoo Pen Groups
- Yahoo Aluminum Penmakers Group Forum
- Yahoo Fountain Pen Collecting Forum
- Yahoo National Pen Club Forum
- Yahoo Pelikan Pens Forum
- Yahoo Pen Makers Forum
- Yahoo Pen Makers Guild Forum
- Yahoo Pen Making Forum
- Yahoo Pens And Pencils Forum
- Yahoo Pen Repairs Forum
- Yahoo Pens4sale Forum
- Yahoo Pen Turners Forum
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